venerdì 30 maggio 2014

Cereali/domanda mondiale in aumento.

Quest' agenzia governativa fa il bello e cattivo tempo,i suoi report determinano l'andamento delle transazioni finanziarie delle commoditys 
agricole e i relativi listini-

In fondo ,i primi dati sull'andamento delle semine Canadesi-

Personalmente non nutro alcuna simpatia per quest' agenzia,gli stessi farmer americani ne mettono in discussione la credibilità,tuttavia i mercati finanziari hanno fatto di esso un entità divina
i suoi rapporti determinano gli andamenti finanziari delle commodytis agricole e il dubbio che vengano manipolati ad hoc sono tanti-
Il suo ultimo rapporto,parla di un raccolto record di frumento a livello mondiale,e in qualche settimana le quotazioni del wheat di Chicago sono precipitate da 730$/bushel a 635$/bushel, e con molte probabilità trascinerà al ribasso tutto il comparto cerealicolo-
Tuttavia,alcune ore fà,torna ad alimentare speranze rialziste , con un report che annuncia un aumento della domanda sull'offerta a livello globale-
Verrebbe da mandarli a quel paese,purtroppo ,per il peso che ha nella determinazione dei listini dei cereali e dell'evoluzione dei relativi mercati non si può fare a meno di seguirlo e prendere atto di ciò chè pubblica con relative conseguenze -

Katie Micik DTN Markets Editor

giovedì 29.05.14

USDA Revises Export Outlook, Calls for Records
USDA increased its estimate for agricultural exports upwards by $6.9 billion on Thursday, increasing its overall estimate to $149.5 billion. That'd be a new record, and this time it's not all about prices. Higher volume -- an increase of 31% from 2013 to 2014 to be exact -- plays a starring role.
Grain and feed exports are seen at $35.8 billion, up $4.5 billion from February's forecast, as USDA increased its expectations for all categories except rice. USDA bumped up exports of oilseeds and products by $2.4 billion to a record $33.8 billion, citing expanding global demand. "Larger volume and higher unit values for both soybean and soybean meal drive the increase, with soybeans raised $1.8 billion to $23.5 billion and soybean meal raised $300 million to $5.4 billion. Soybean oil unit value is also raised, primarily due to tight supplies," the report said. You can find the whole report here:…
"American farmers and ranchers are on track for another year of record exports, which builds on the past five years of the strongest agricultural trade in our history," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a press release. "This report indicates that the volume of U.S. agricultural exports has increased, which demonstrates an increasing global appetite for high-quality, American-grown products.
"USDA will continue to focus its efforts on tapping into new markets for what is grown and made in rural America. Today, only one percent of U.S. companies export, and yet 95 percent of the world's consumers live outside the borders of the United States, creating significant opportunities for U.S. food and agriculture. Thanks to resources in the 2014 Farm Bill, USDA is able to continue support for trade promotion and market expansion for U.S. agricultural products overseas—programs that return $35 in economic benefits for every dollar invested. In addition, the Administration's Made in Rural America initiative, launched by President Obama at the 2014 Farm Bill signing, will further these efforts by helping rural businesses and leaders access federal resources to help them connect with new customers and markets abroad.
"Collectively, these efforts will ensure that America's farmers and ranchers are well positioned to capitalize on emerging export markets and continue to drive economic growth in rural America."

WINNIPEG (Dow Jones) -- Saskatchewan farmers made good seeding progress during the week ended May 26, seeding over 40% of the intended area during a seven-day span, according to the latest crop report from Saskatchewan Agriculture.
Province-wide, planting was 64% complete, which compares with 22% the previous week and 67% at the same point the previous year.
Farmers were farthest along in the southwestern part of the province at 80% complete. The west-central region had 68% seeded; the northwest 60%; the northeast 59%; the southeast 58%; and the east-central region 52%.

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